Time to do plank! The key to this pose are the heals, your foundation. Specifically pressing your heal down with all your might. This creates stability. Your hands should be shoulder width apart. Index fingers are parallel, fan out the fingers proportionality creating total symmetry. Squeeze your shoulders up toward your ears then roll your shoulders back down. Tuck your tailbone (aka; squeeze butt cheeks together and push your pubic bone forward). Imagine you have a rope attached to the very crown of your head and someones pulling on it. Your head is extending diagonally and your heals press away from you. You also NEED to contract your abdomen. Activity squeeze the breath out on your exhale. Hold in your belly I still want you to breath with your belly but YOU MUST have conscious control over it’s movement. Hold for as much time as possible. Knees are there when you need a break. Make a goal of holding it for a minute. I know your phone has a stopwatch in it’s clock settings! USE IT!! Time your stretches. {Try going to the forearms for a low plank. Make sure each elbow is placed directly where the hand was. This is much harder. These poses create strength and stability. Try ALSO lifting a leg one at a time, great low back strength exercise.} …AND DON’T FORGET to BREATH of course!!!!
PHOTO BY amyelizabethbruce