You can start in downward facing dog, table top or just lunge. Bring the back knee to the grown slowly as you press though your heal. Blanket/towel if you need it under you knee. Then bring both hands to the inside. If you can’t get your elbows down (which is most likely) grab a pillow or a yoga block and place it under your forearms. This pose is a hip opener obviously. hehe. It really gets the flexer muscles of your hip and the quadriceps (front of the thigh) of your opposite hip. Pressing though my back heal creates stability. You want to hang out in this pose for as much time as you can. Don’t forget to switch sides! Try using downward dog or tabletop as a transition to the other side. Then go back to downward dog after you’re done with your Lizard. Have fun with this one. Also called; head to big toe pose and lizard pose. PHOTO BY amyelizabethbruce